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1. 然后用英语怎么说的意思:



2. 怎么读(音标):

“然后用英语怎么说”的音标为:/rɛnˈdɛn juz ˈɪŋglɪʃ ˈhaʊ tu seɪ/

3. 用法:


4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

1) A: 我应该怎么说这个词?

B: 那你可以先用中文说一遍,然后用英语怎么说?

A: How should I say this word?

B: Can you first say it in Chinese and then tell me how to say it in English?

2) A: 我不知道这个句子该怎么翻译成英文。

B: 没关系,你可以先告诉我它的意思,然后再想想如何用英语表达。

A: I don't know how to translate this sentence into English.

B: It's okay, you can first tell me its meaning and then think about how to express it in English.

3) A: 这个单词我不认识。

B: 那你可以先用中文解释一下,然后用英语怎么说?

A: I don't know this word.

B: Then can you first explain it in Chinese and then tell me how to say it in English?

4) A: 我想学习一些常用的英语表达方式。

B: 那你可以先把它们翻译成中文,然后再尝试用英语怎么说。

A: I want to learn some common ways of expressing in English.

B: Then you can first translate them into Chinese and then try to say them in English.

5) A: 这个句子我觉得有点奇怪,但是我不知道为什么。

B: 没关系,你可以先告诉我它的意思,然后再尝试用英语怎么说。

A: I feel this sentence is a bit strange, but I don't know why.

B: It's okay, you can first tell me its meaning and then try to say it in English.

5. 同义词及用法:


6. 编辑总结:



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