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二:怎么读(音标):qīng guān nán duàn jiā wù shì (/tʃiŋ gwɑn næn dwɑn dʒiɑ wu ʂi/)



1. 刘虽然在工作上公正廉明,但他在家里却经常因为孩子的教育问题和妻子争吵,可见清官难断家务事。(Although Director Liu is fair and honest in his work, he often argues with his wife over their children's education at home, which shows that even a just official may have difficulty handling family matters.)

2. 这个成语告诫我们,在处理家庭问题时,应该多听取和谐解决的意见,而不是仅仅依赖外部力量。(This idiom reminds us that when dealing with family issues, we should listen to and seek harmonious solutions, rather than relying solely on external forces.)

3. 她是一位优秀的官员,但她也深知清官难断家务事,因此她会尽量避免让工作影响到家庭。(She is an excellent official, but she also knows that it is difficult for officials to handle family matters, so she tries her best to avoid letting work affect her family.)

4. 在古代,官员们常常被派往外地任职,因此他们的家庭问题往往由妻子和家人来解决,可见清官难断家务事的普遍性。(In ancient times, officials were often sent to work in other places, so their family problems were often solved by their wives and families, which shows the universality of the difficulty for officials to handle family matters.)

5. 有些人认为官员应该完美无缺,在家庭问题上也应该表现出色,但实际上清官难断家务事是一种客观存在的现象。(Some people believe that government officials should be flawless and also excel in family matters, but in fact, it is an objective phenomenon that officials have difficulty handling family matters.)




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