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Cross-Strait Exchange Foundation Chairman

【发音】/krɔːs-streɪt ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ fəˈndaɪʃən ˈtʃeəmən/




1. 海峡交流基金会董事长将出席本次并发表主旨演讲。

The Cross-Strait Exchange Foundation Chairman will attend the forum and deliver a keynote speech.

2. 作为一名资深官,他曾担任过海峡交流基金会董事长多年。

As a senior diplomat, he served as the Cross-Strait Exchange Foundation Chairman for many years.

3. 海峡交流基金会董事长表示,希望通过此次活动促进民间友好关系。

The Cross-Strait Exchange Foundation Chairman stated that he hopes to promote friendly relations between people on both sides of the Strait through this event.

4. 海峡交流基金会董事长与地区就加强经济合作进行了磋商。

The Cross-Strait Exchange Foundation Chairman held talks with the leader of Taiwan on strengthening economic cooperation.

5. 由海峡交流基金会董事长主持的达成了多项合作协议。

The meeting, chaired by the Cross-Strait Exchange Foundation Chairman, reached multiple cooperation agreements.


1. 海峡交流基金会 (Cross-Strait Exchange Foundation President)

2. 海峡交流基金会执行主任 (Executive Director of Cross-Strait Exchange Foundation)

3. 海峡交流基金会总裁 (Cross-Strait Exchange Foundation CEO)


海峡交流基金会董事长是指负责领导和管理海峡交流基金会的最高,旨在推动交流与合作。其英文翻译为Cross-Strait Exchange Foundation Chairman,发音为/krɔːs-streɪt ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ fəˈndaɪʃən ˈtʃeəmən/。同义词包括海峡交流基金会、海峡交流基金会执行主任和海峡交流基金会总裁。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,应当准确理解并传达专业术语,同时注意使用简洁明了的语言,以方便读者理解。


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