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一:浇水的英文的意思:The meaning of watering in English is to pour water over plants or soil in order to help them grow.


三:用法:Watering is a verb that describes the action of pouring water over plants or soil. It is an important part of gardening and plant care, as it helps to keep plants healthy and promote growth.


1. I need to water my garden every day to keep my plants alive. (我每天都需要给我的花园浇水,以保持植物的生命。)


2. The flowers are wilting because they haven't been watered enough. (花儿因为没有被浇水足够而枯萎。)

3. Don't forget to water the potted plants on the balcony before you leave for vacation. (在你出去度假之前,别忘了给阳台上的盆栽植物浇水。)

4. The farmer uses a watering can to irrigate his crops. (农民使用水壶来灌溉他的庄稼。)

5. It's important to water your plants deeply and evenly, rather than just sprinkling a little bit on the surface. (给植物深层次和均匀地浇水是很重要的,而不仅仅是在表面洒一点点。)


1. Irrigate - This word also means to supply plants with water, but it is often used to describe larger scale watering, such as for farms or fields.

2. Sprinkle - This means to scatter water droplets over something, usually in a light and gentle manner.

3. Drench - This word means to completely soak something in water.

4. Moisturize - This word is often used in the context of skincare, but it can also mean to add moisture or water to something.

5. Hydrate - Similar to moisturize, this word means to add water or moisture to something.




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