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Pale tone

[peɪl təʊn]



例句1:Her dress was a pale tone of pink, making her look delicate and elegant.(她的裙子是淡粉色调,让她看起来娇嫩优雅。)

例句2:The artist used a pale tone of blue to create a dreamy atmosphere in his painting.(画家用浅蓝色调营造出梦幻般的氛围。)

例句3:The walls of the room were painted in a pale tone, giving the space a calming and peaceful feel.(房间的墙壁涂上了浅色调,让空间显得宁静平和。)

例句4:She preferred to wear clothes in pale tones, as they suited her fair complexion.(她更喜欢穿浅色调的衣服,因为它们更适合她白皙的肤色。)

例句5:The sunset cast a beautiful pale tone over the ocean, creating a breathtaking view.(夕阳在海面上投下一道美丽的浅色调,创造出令人惊叹的景象。)

同义词及用法:light shade、soft hue、pastel color

编辑总结:浅色调是一种柔和、淡雅的颜色,常用来形容衣服、画作或氛围。它可以表现出柔美、清淡的感觉,也可以营造出梦幻般的氛围。同义词有light shade、soft hue和pastel color,可以根据具体情况选择使用。


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