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The meaning of "洋气用英语怎么说" is how to say "fashionable" in English.



The pronunciation of "洋气用英语怎么说" is [yáng qì yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō].


"洋气用英语怎么说" is commonly used when someone wants to express that something or someone is stylish, trendy, or fashionable. It can also be used to describe a person who has a sophisticated and elegant appearance.


1. 她的穿着总是很洋气,每次出席活动都是最抢眼的那一个。

Her outfits are always very fashionable, she always stands out at every event.

2. 这家餐厅的装潢非常洋气,每个角落都散发着高贵的氛围。

The decoration of this restaurant is very stylish, every corner exudes an air of elegance.

3. 我妈妈总是告诉我要穿得像个小姐姐,要有洋气的感觉。

My mom always tells me to dress like a lady and have a fashionable vibe.

4. 他是一个很有品味的人,每次出席活动都能看出他对时尚和洋气的追求。

He's a very tasteful person, you can see his pursuit of fashion and elegance at every event.

5. 这件衣服看起来很洋气,但是穿在我身上却不太适合。

This piece of clothing looks very trendy, but it doesn't suit me well.


1. 时髦的 (shí máo de) - stylish; fashionable

2. 高贵的 (gāo guì de) - elegant; noble

3. 优雅的 (yōu yǎ de) - graceful; refined

4. 潮流的 (cháo liú de) - trendy; in vogue

5. 典雅的 (diǎn yǎ de) - classy; sophisticated




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