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Word: 翻译 (fān yì)

Pronunciation: /ˈfæn jiː/

Usage: noun, verb



1. To express the meaning of a word or text in another language.

2. The act of translating written or spoken words from one language into another.

3. An interpretation or version of something in a different language.

Example sentences:

1. 我的朋友擅长翻译英文小说为中文。(My friend is good at translating English novels into Chinese.)

2. 这本书是由著名作家翻译成多种语言的。(This book has been translated into multiple languages by a famous writer.)

3. 他们需要雇佣一位专业的翻译来帮助他们与国外客户沟通。(They need to hire a professional translator to help them communicate with their foreign clients.)


1. 转换 (zhuǎn huàn) - to convert/transform

2. 解释 (jiě shì) - to explain/interpret

3. 转译 (zhuǎn yì) - to translate/transcribe

Editor's summary:

翻译 (fān yì) is a commonly used word in both Chinese and English, referring to the act of translating written or spoken words from one language into another. It can also mean an interpretation or version of something in a different language. It is often used in professional settings, such as business meetings or literary works, and requires a high level of proficiency in both languages to accurately convey the meaning and tone of the original text. Other similar words include 转换 (zhuǎn huàn), 解释 (jiě shì), and 转译 (zhuǎn yì).


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