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1. 永不言败。[yǒng bù yán bài]


Meaning: Never give up; never admit defeat.

Usage: This phrase is used to express the determination and persistence to keep going despite difficulties or failures.

Example sentences:

1. Despite facing numerous challenges, she remained determined and never gave up. (尽管面对无数挑战,她依然坚定不移,永不言败。)

2. He refused to accept defeat and kept pushing forward with unwavering determination. (他拒绝认输,坚定不移地继续前进。)

3. The team's motto is "never give up" and they have proven it time and time again on the field. (团队的座右铭是“永不言败”,他们在赛场上一次又一次地证明了这一点。)

4. She was determined to succeed, no matter how many obstacles stood in her way. (她决心要成功,无论有多少障碍摆在她的面前。)

5. His perseverance and refusal to give up eventually led him to achieve his dream. (他的毅力和拒绝放弃最终让他实现了自己的梦想。)


- Never surrender

- Always persist

- Perseverance is key

- Determination leads to success

Usage: These phrases can be used interchangeably with "永不言败" to convey the same meaning of never giving up.

Editor's Summary:

"永不言败" is a powerful phrase that embodies the spirit of perseverance and determination in the face of challenges and failures. It encourages individuals to keep pushing forward and never give up on their goals and dreams. This phrase can be used in various contexts, from personal struggles to team motivation, making it a versatile and impactful expression.


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