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1. 永不言败! (yǒng bù yán bài)


Meaning: Never give up!

Usage: Used as a motivational phrase to encourage someone to keep going despite difficulties or setbacks.

Example sentence:

1. Despite facing numerous obstacles, she never gave up and finally achieved her dream of becoming a doctor. (尽管面临着诸多困难,她从未放弃,最终实现了成为一名医生的梦想。)

2. He has a strong spirit of never giving up, which is why he was able to overcome all the challenges in his life. (他有着永不言败的坚强,这也是他能够克服生活中所有挑战的原因。)

3. No matter how tough the situation may be, we must always remember to never give up! (无论情况有多艰难,我们都要记得永不言败!)

4. She is known for her determination and never-give-up attitude, which has helped her achieve great success in her career. (她以她的决心和永不言败的态度而闻名,在事业上取得了巨大的成功。)

5. The team's motto is "never give up", and this mindset has led them to win multiple championships over the years. (团队的座右铭是“永不言败”,这种心态使他们多年来赢得了多项冠。)


1. Perseverance (坚持不懈)

2. Resilience (逆境应变能力)

3. Tenacity (顽强)

4. Persistence (持续不断)

5. Grit (毅力)

Editor's summary:

永不言败! is a powerful phrase that embodies the spirit of never giving up and persevering through challenges. It is often used as a motivational phrase to encourage someone to keep going and never lose hope. This phrase can be applied in various situations, whether it is personal goals or team efforts, to remind ourselves to stay determined and resilient. Other similar phrases include perseverance, resilience, tenacity, persistence, and grit.


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