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The meaning of "水浒传" in English is "Water Margin" or "Outlaws of the Marsh". It is a Chinese novel written during the Ming Dynasty, which tells the story of a group of 108 outlaws who fought against corrupt officials and defended justice.



The pronunciation of "水浒传" is shuǐ hǔ zhuàn.


"水浒传" can be used as a noun to refer to the novel itself, or it can also be used as an adjective to describe something related to the themes or characters in the novel. For example, "a water margin hero" or "water margin style".


1. 这部电影改编自经典的古典小说《水浒传》。

This movie is adapted from the classic Chinese classical novel "Water Margin".

2. 《水浒传》是四大名著之一。

"Water Margin" is one of the Four Great Classical Novels in China.

3. 这个角色的性格和《水浒传》里的宋江很相似。

The character's personality is very similar to Song Jiang in "Water Margin".

4. 在这个城市,贪官污吏就像《水浒传》里的梁山好汉一样。

In this city, corrupt officials are like the heroes on Liangshan Mountain in "Water Margin".

5. 每次读完《水浒传》,我都会被故事中的们感动得热泪盈眶。

Every time I finish reading "Water Margin", I am moved to tears by the heroes in the story.


1. 水浒故事 (shuǐ hǔ gù shì) - This is another way to refer to the story of "Water Margin".

2. 水浒 (shuǐ hǔ yīng xióng) - This phrase can be used to describe the brave and righteous characters in "Water Margin".

3. 梁山好汉 (liáng shān hǎo hàn) - This term refers to the heroes who gathered on Liangshan Mountain in "Water Margin" and can also be used to describe brave and righteous people.

4. 义薄云天 (yì báo yún tiān) - This phrase means "loyalty knows no bounds" and is often associated with the characters in "Water Margin" who remained loyal to their cause until death.

5. 正义使者 (zhèng yì shǐ zhě) - This term means "champion of justice" and can be used to describe the main characters in "Water Margin" who fought against corruption and defended justice.


In summary, "水浒传" is a classic Chinese novel that tells the story of a group of outlaws fighting against corrupt officials during the Ming Dynasty. It can be used as a noun or adjective, and there are various synonyms that can also be used to describe this famous literary work.


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