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Formal English Writing



(zěn me dú)


Formal English writing refers to the use of language that is appropriate for formal or professional contexts. This type of writing is characterized by a more structured and precise style, with a focus on clarity and formality.


1. Writing a formal email requires a different tone and style than writing an informal text message. (写正式的电子邮件需要不同的语气和风格,与写非正式的短信不同。)

2. In academic writing, it is important to use formal language and avoid colloquial expressions. (在学术写作中,使用正式语言并避免口语化表达很重要。)

3. The company's annual report was written in a formal tone to convey professionalism and credibility to its stakeholders. (公司的年度报告采用正式的语气来传达专业性和可信度给利益相关者。)

4. When attending a job interview, it is crucial to present yourself in a formal manner to make a good impression on the interviewer. (参加工作面试时,以正式的方式展示自己对面试官留下良好印象十分重要。)

5. The use of slang and informal language is not appropriate in formal writing, as it can be seen as unprofessional or disrespectful. (在正式写作中使用俚语和非正式语言是不合适的,因为这可能被视为不专业或不尊重。)


- Formal language: refers to the use of precise and structured language in formal contexts.

- Professional language: similar to formal language, it is used in professional or business settings.

- Academic writing: this type of writing is characterized by its formal and objective tone, and is commonly used in academic or research settings.

- Official language: refers to the language used in official documents or communication, which is typically formal and impersonal.

- Standard English: this term refers to the form of English that is considered standard or correct, and is often used in formal writing.


Formal English writing is an important skill that can be applied in various contexts, such as academic writing, professional communication, and business correspondence. It requires a more structured and precise style, with a focus on clarity and formality. By using appropriate vocabulary and avoiding colloquial expressions, one can effectively convey professionalism and credibility through their writing. Remember to always consider the audience and purpose when using formal language, as it may differ depending on the situation. With practice and attention to detail, one can master the art of formal English writing.


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