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Word: Disseminate


Pronunciation: /dɪˈsɛmɪneɪt/

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: To spread or disperse widely

Example Sentence 1: The government has launched a campaign to disseminate information about the new policies.

Example Sentence 2: The teacher used different methods to disseminate knowledge to her students.

Example Sentence 3: Social media has become a powerful tool to disseminate news and information.

Example Sentence 4: It is important for organizations to disseminate their messages effectively in order to reach a wider audience.

Example Sentence 5: The company's goal is to disseminate their products globally.


1. Spread - To distribute or circulate widely

2. Disperse - To scatter or spread out in different directions

3. Propagate - To spread and promote an idea or belief

4. Circulate - To move around and be distributed among people or places

5. Promulgate - To make known publicly or officially

Editor's Summary:

Disseminate is a verb that means to spread or disperse widely. It can refer to the distribution of information, news, ideas, products, etc. through various means such as campaigns, social media, word of mouth, etc. Synonyms for disseminate include spread, disperse, propagate, circulate, and promulgate. It is important for organizations and individuals to effectively disseminate their messages in order to reach a wider audience.


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