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1. insistence的意思是坚持,强调,坚决要求。:His insistence on punctuality was appreciated by his colleagues.(他对准时的坚持得到了同事们的赞赏。)

2. insistence的用法:insistence通常作为名词使用,表示强烈的要求或坚持。它可以用作不可数名词,也可以用作可数名词。:Her insistence on perfection is well known in the company.(她对完美的坚持在公司里是众所周知的。)In spite of her parents' insistence, she decided to quit her job and travel the world.(尽管父母坚持要她留下来,她还是决定辞职去环游世界。)

3. 例句:

1) The manager's insistence on quality control has greatly improved the company's reputation.(经理对质量的坚持大大提升了公司的声誉。)

2) Despite her husband's insistence, she refused to give up her career for the sake of their marriage.(尽管丈夫强烈要求,她仍然拒绝为了婚姻放弃自己的事业。)

3) The teacher's insistence on discipline has created a positive learning environment for her students.(老师对纪律的坚持为学生们创造了良好的学习环境。)

4) His insistence on following the rules made him unpopular among his classmates.(他对遵守规则的坚持让他在同学中不受欢迎。)

5) The company's insistence on innovation has led to its success in the market.(公司对创新的坚持导致了它在市场上的成功。)

4. 组词:insistence可以与其他词组合成不同的词汇,:

1) Insistent (形容词):坚持不懈的,强调的。:He was insistent on finishing the project before the deadline.(他坚持在截止日期前完成这个项目。)

2) Insistently (副词):坚定地,强烈地。:She insistedently argued for her point of view.(她强烈地为自己的观点辩论。)

3) Insist (动词):坚持,强调,要求。:The boss insisted on meeting with all of his employees individually.(老板坚持要和每个员工单独会面。)

4) Insistence (名词):坚持,强调,要求。:His insistence on following the rules made him unpopular among his classmates.(他对遵守规则的坚持让他在同学中不受欢迎。)

5) Insistently (副词):坚定地,强烈地。:She insistently argued for her point of view.(她强烈地为自己的观点辩论。)

5. insistence是什么意思?insistence的用法及例句的中英文对照:

1. insistence (n.) 坚持,强调,坚决要求

2. insistence (n.) the act of insisting or demanding something 坚持或要求某事的行为

3. insistent (adj.) insisting or demanding in a persistent or urgent way 坚持不懈地或紧急地要求某事的

4. insistently (adv.) in an insistent or persistent way 坚定地或持续地

5. insist (v.) demand something forcefully, not accepting refusal 强烈要求某事,不接受拒绝



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