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1. institute怎么读?institute是什么意思的解释:


2. institute怎么读?institute是什么意思读音读法:


3. institute怎么读?institute是什么意思的用例:

1) The National Institutes of Health is the primary agency of the United States government responsible for biomedical and public health research.


2) He was hired as a researcher at a prestigious institute in Europe.


3) The government plans to institute new policies to promote economic growth.


4) The university will institute a new program next semester.


5) The institute is dedicated to advancing scientific knowledge in the field of genetics.


4. institute怎么读?institute是什么意思组词:

- 词组:research institute (研究所)、educational institute (教育)、health institute (卫生)

- 同义词:academy、establishment、organization

- 反义词:disband、abolish

5. institute怎么读?institute是什么意思的中英文对照:

- 中文:学院、研究所、

- 英文:academy, research institute, organization

6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结:



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