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1. incredible是指令人难以置信的,难以想象的,不可思议的。它是由in-(不)和credible(可信的)两个词组合而成,意为“难以置信的”。:The magician's performance was incredible.(这位魔术师表演得令人难以置信。)

2. incredible的用法和例句读音读法


3. incredible是什么意思?incredible的用法和例句用例

① The story of her survival in the wilderness for a month is truly incredible.(她在荒野生存一个月的故事真是令人难以置信。)

② The speed at which technology is advancing is simply incredible.(技术进步的速度简直是不可思议的。)

③ It's incredible that he managed to finish the project in just one week.(他竟然在一周内完成了这个项目,真是不可思议。)

④ The view from the of the mountain was absolutely incredible.(从山顶俯瞰景色实在是太美妙了。)

⑤ Her singing voice is truly incredible, she could be a professional singer.(她唱歌实在太棒了,可以成为一名专业歌手。)

4. incredible是什么意思?incredible的用法和例句组词

① incredible achievement(不可思议的成就)

② incredible speed(惊人的速度)

③ incredible talent(难以置信的才华)

④ incredible strength(不可思议的力量)

⑤ incredibly beautiful(美得难以置信)

5. incredible是什么意思?incredible的用法和例句中英文对照

1,incredible是什么意思?incredible的用法和例句:指令人难以置信的,难以想象的,不可思议的。It is unbelievable, unimaginable, and amazing.

2. incredible是什么意思?incredible的用法和例句读音读法:[inˈkredəbl],重音在第二个音节。It is similar to credible, with only one letter "i" difference in pronunciation.

3. incredible是什么意思?incredible的用法和例句用例:

① The story of her survival in the wilderness for a month is truly incredible.(她在荒野生存一个月的故事真是令人难以置信。)

② The speed at which technology is advancing is simply incredible.(技术进步的速度简直是不可思议的。)

③ It's incredible that he managed to finish the project in just one week.(他竟然在一周内完成了这个项目,真是不可思议。)

④ The view from the of the mountain was absolutely incredible.(从山顶俯瞰景色实在是太美妙了。)

⑤ Her singing voice is truly incredible, she could be a professional singer.(她唱歌实在太棒了,可以成为一名专业歌手。)

4. incredible是什么意思?incredible的用法和例句组词:

① incredible achievement(不可思议的成就)

② incredible speed(惊人的速度)

③ incredible talent(难以置信的才华)

④ incredible strength(不可思议的力量)

⑤ incredibly beautiful(美得难以置信)

5. incredible是什么意思?incredible的用法和例句中英文对照:

1,incredible is what meaning? The usage and examples of "incredible": It is unbelievable, unimaginable, and amazing.

2. What does "incredible" mean? The usage and examples of "incredible" pronunciation: [inˈkredəbl], with the stress on the second syllable. It is similar to credible, with only one letter "i" difference in pronunciation.

3. What does "incredible" mean? The usage and examples of "incredible":

① The story of her survival in the wilderness for a month is truly incredible. (Her story of surviving in the wilderness for a month is unbelievable.)

② The speed at which technology is advancing is simply incredible. (The speed at which technology advances is unimaginable.)

③ It's incredible that he managed to finish the project in just one week. (It's amazing that he finished the project in just one week.)

④ The view from the of the mountain was absolutely incredible. (The view from the of the mountain was incredibly beautiful.)

⑤ Her singing voice is truly incredible, she could be a professional singer. (Her singing voice is amazing, she could be a professional singer.)

4. What does "incredible" mean? The usage and examples of "incredible" collocations:

① incredible achievement (unbelievable achievement)

② incredible speed (amazing speed)

③ incredible talent (unimaginable talent)

④ incredible strength (unbelievable strength)

⑤ incredibly beautiful (beautiful beyond belief)

6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结:

Incredible是一个形容词,意为“难以置信的”,它由前缀“in-”(不)和词根“credible”(可信的)组成。它可以用来形容令人难以置信、难以想象、不可思议的事物或人。其读音为[inˈkredəbl],与credible(可信的)只有一个字母“i”的差别。在使用上,incredible常常与表示程度的副词如“truly”、“simply”、“absolutely”等搭配使用,强调事物或人的不可思议之处。:Her survival in the wilderness for a month is truly incredible.(她在荒野生存一个月的故事真是令人难以置信。)除了作为形容词外,incredible还可以作为名词和副词使用,但较少见。总之,incredible是一个用来形容令人难以置信的事物或人的强有力词汇,可以帮助我们更准确地表达自己的想法和感受。


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