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1. june什么意思?june是一个名词,指六月份,是一年中的第六个月份。

2. june什么意思?june的读音为[dʒuːn],"j"发[dʒ]音,"u"发[uː]音,"n"发[n]音。

3. june什么意思?june的用例:

例句1:June is my favorite month because it's my birthday.

例句2:The wedding is scheduled for the first Saturday in June.

例句3:The school year ends in June and starts again in September.

例句4:June is usually a busy month for us, with all the end-of-year events.

例句5:We're planning to go on vacation in June, when the weather is nice.

4. june什么意思?june可以与其他词组合成多种短语和习语,如:

- June bride: 六月新娘,指在六月结婚的新娘;

- June bug: 六月虫,指在六月出现的一种甲虫;

- June gloom: 六月阴郁,指在六月天气阴沉、潮湿的现象;

- June grass: 六月草,指生长在六月的一种草;

- June moon: 六月之月,在诗歌或歌曲中用来表示浪漫情调。

5. june什么意思?june的中英文对照:

- 英文:june

- 中文:六月

6. 总结:june是一个名词,指六月份。它的读音为[dʒuːn],可以与其他词组合成多种短语和习语。在日常生活中,我们经常用到这个词来表示时间或日期。希望本文能够帮助你更好地理解和使用june这个词。


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