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Meaning: Unable to control one's words or actions, often resulting in unexpected or undesirable consequences.


Pronunciation: /ʌnəˈbleɪtəbl ɪŋlɪʃ/

Usage: This term is typically used to describe someone who has difficulty controlling their language or behavior, causing them to say or do things that they may regret later.

Example Sentences:

1. She has a habit of speaking in uncontrollable English when she gets angry.


2. His uncontrollable English often gets him into trouble with his boss.


3. I apologize for my uncontrollable English last night, I was just really drunk.


4. The comedian's jokes were so funny that the audience couldn't help but burst into uncontrollable English laughter.


5. The politician's uncontrollable English during the debate caused quite a stir in the media.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Unrestrained language/behavior - used to describe someone who is unable to control their words or actions.

2. Unbridled speech/actions - suggests a lack of restraint or control in one's language or behavior.

3. Unchecked English - implies that the person's words or actions are not being controlled or limited.

4. Uncontrollable tongue - refers specifically to someone who has difficulty controlling their speech.

5. Unmanageable English - can be used to describe someone whose words or actions are difficult to control.

Editor's Summary: "Uncontrollable English" is a term used to describe someone who has difficulty controlling their language or behavior, often resulting in unexpected or undesirable consequences. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing someone's angry outbursts, drunken ramblings, or impulsive actions. Synonyms for this term include "unrestrained language/behavior," "unbridled speech/actions," and "unchecked English." It is important to note that this term should not be used to mock or belittle someone's language abilities, but rather to describe a lack of control in one's words or actions.


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