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"Sajiao" is a Chinese term that refers to a type of behavior where someone acts in a spoiled, coquettish, or childish manner in order to seek attention or affection from another person. It can also be translated as "throwing a tantrum" or "acting cute".



/sā jiāo/


撒娇 can be used as both a verb and an adjective. As a verb, it means to act spoiled or coquettish, while as an adjective, it describes someone who is acting in such a way. It is often used to describe the behavior of girls towards their boyfriends or husbands, but can also be used between friends or family members.


1. 她总是喜欢撒娇来让男朋友做她想要的事情。

She always likes to throw tantrums to make her boyfriend do what she wants.

2. 别再撒娇了,你已经是个大人了。

S acting cute, you're already an adult.

3. 她的撒娇让他感到很心烦。

Her coquettish behavior annoys him.

4. 我不明白为什么她总是要撒娇来得到别人的关注。

I don't understand why she always has to act spoiled to get attention from others.

5. 女孩子们都会在恋爱中学会如何撒娇。

Girls will learn how to throw tantrums in relationships.


1. 撒娇 (sā jiāo) - This is the most commonly used term for "throwing a tantrum" or "acting cute".

2. 装可爱 (zhuāng kě ài) - This term is often used in a sarcastic way to describe someone who is acting overly cute or childish.

3. 撒野 (sā yě) - This term can also be used to describe someone who is acting spoiled or throwing a tantrum, but it has a more negative connotation.

4. 撒泼 (sā pō) - This term specifically refers to throwing a tantrum in an angry or violent manner.

5. 任性 (rèn xìng) - This term means to act willfully or capriciously, and can also be used to describe someone who is acting spoiled.


撒娇 is a common behavior in Chinese culture, especially among women. It can be seen as a way of expressing affection and seeking attention from others, but it can also be viewed as manipulative or childish. As with any behavior, it is important to use it appropriately and not overdo it.


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