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1. Description:

The word "pensive" is an adjective that describes someone who is deeply thoughtful, often with a hint of sadness or melancholy. It can also refer to something that evokes deep thought or reflection.

2. Pronunciation:



3. Usage:

Pensive is used to describe a person's emotional state or a situation that causes deep contemplation and introspection. It can be both positive and negative, depending on the context.

4. Examples:

1) She sat on the park bench, pensive and lost in her thoughts.


2) The movie's ending left me feeling pensive for hours.


5. Synonyms and Usage:

- Thoughtful: This word has a similar meaning to "pensive" but is more neutral in tone.

- Contemplative: This word emphasizes the act of thinking deeply and considering different aspects.

- Reflective: This word focuses on introspection and self-examination.

All three synonyms can be used interchangeably with "pensive" in most cases.

6. Editor's Summary:

"Pensive" is a versatile adjective that can describe both people and situations that evoke deep thought and reflection. It has a slightly melancholic connotation but can also be used in a positive sense. Synonyms such as "thoughtful," "contemplative," and "reflective" can be used interchangeably with "pensive."


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