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Loss is the word used to describe the act of losing something or someone, or the result of losing something. It can refer to both tangible and intangible things that are no longer in one's possession.


/ˈlɒs/ (英式发音) 或 /ˈlɔs/ (美式发音)




1. The loss of his job was a devastating blow to him. (他失业是对他的沉重打击。)

2. The company suffered a significant financial loss due to the economic downturn. (由于经济下滑,公司遭受了巨大的财务损失。)

3. She couldn't bear the loss of her beloved pet dog. (她无法忍受她心爱的宠物狗的离世。)

4. The loss of her memory made it difficult for her to recognize her own family members. (她记忆力的丧失使得她很难认出自己的家人。)

5. The team's loss in the final game was a huge disappointment for their fans. (球队在最后一场比赛中输掉了比赛,这令球迷们非常失望。)


1. Defeat (verb) - to lose a game, battle, etc.

Example: The team was defeated in the championship match.

2. Misplace (verb) - to lose something temporarily by forgetting where it is

Example: I seem to have misplaced my keys, I can't find them anywhere.

3. Forfeit (noun) - something that is lost or given up as a penalty for wrongdoing

Example: The team had to forfeit the game due to a violation of the rules.

4. Damage (noun) - harm or injury caused by loss or destruction

Example: The storm caused significant damage to the town's infrastructure.

5. Deprivation (noun) - the state of lacking something essential

Example: The children in poverty suffer from deprivation of basic necessities.




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