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Word: Accommodate







1. The hotel can accommodate up to 200 guests for the conference. (这家酒店可以为提供最多200个座位。)

2. The new stadium is designed to accommodate 80,000 spectators. (这座新体育场设计可容纳8万名观众。)

3. We will try our best to accommodate your request for a vegetarian meal. (我们将尽力满足您的要求,提供素食餐。)

4. The small restaurant can only accommodate a maximum of 20 customers at a time. (这家小餐馆一次只能容纳最多20名顾客。)

5. The company has made changes to accommodate the needs of working parents. (公司已经做出了改变,以满足工作父母的需求。)


1. House - This word can also be used as a synonym for "accommodate" in certain contexts, such as "The hotel can house up to 200 guests."

2. Fit - This verb can be used interchangeably with "accommodate" when it means to provide enough space or room for something or someone.

3. Cater - In some cases, this verb can be used instead of "accommodate" when referring to meeting someone's needs or requests.

4. Adjust - This word can also be used as a synonym for "accommodate" in situations where changes are made to fit someone's needs or preferences.

5. Provide for - This phrase can be used as a synonym for "accommodate" when it means to make arrangements for someone or something.


"Accommodate" is a versatile word that can be used to describe the act of providing enough space, room, or adjustments for something or someone. It can also refer to meeting someone's needs or requests. Other words that can be used interchangeably with "accommodate" include "house," "fit," "cater," "adjust," and "provide for." It is important to note that the word has different meanings in other contexts, such as when referring to accommodating a person's behavior or opinion. As always, it is important to consider the context and intended meaning when using synonyms.


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