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1. installations是什么意思?


2. installations是什么意思?读音读法

installations的读音为 [ˌɪnstəˈleɪʃənz],重音在第二个音节,发音时需要注意第一个“i”的发音要轻一些。

3. installations是什么意思?用例

(1) The company specializes in the design and installation of solar energy systems.


(2) The art exhibition features a variety of installations created by local artists.


(3) The military base has strict security measures in place to protect its sensitive installations.


(4) The new software comes with step-by-step instructions for installation.


(5) The city council has approved the installation of new streetlights in the downtown area.


4. installations是什么意思?组词

- installation cost (安装费用)

- electrical installation (电气设备)

- installation art (装置艺术)

- installation process (安装过程)

- installation engineer (安装工程师)

5. installations是什么意思?的中英文对照

- 中文:安装、装置、设备

- 英文:installation, equipment, apparatus



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