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1. Jude is a common name in many English-speaking countries.


2. My friend's name is Jude, and he goes by the nickname "Judey".


3. The famous author Thomas Hardy wrote a novel called "Jude the Obscure".


4. I have a cousin named Jude who is a lawyer.


5. Jude Law is a well-known actor in Hollywood.





1. Jude was sentenced to life in prison for his crimes.


2. The judge asked Jude to rise and state his name for the court record.


3. Jude felt nervous as he waited for the verdict of the jury.


4. The lawyer argued that Jude was innocent and should be released.


5. Jude's family was devastated when he was found guilty and sent to prison.



1. judge (n.)

2. judgement (n.) 判断力

3. judicious (adj.) 明智的

4. judiciary (n.) 司法

5. adjudicate (v.) 裁决


1. jude是一个英语名字,通常作为男性名字使用。

(jude is a common name in many English-speaking countries.)

2. 源自希伯来语中的“Yehudah”。

(derived from the Hebrew "Yehudah".)

3. 在圣经中,Jude是雅各的儿子,也是耶稣的门徒之一。

(In the Bible, Jude is the son of Jacob and one of Jesus' disciples.)

4. 朱迪·洛是好莱坞知名演员。

(Jude Law is a well-known actor in Hollywood.)

5. Jude was sentenced to life in prison for his crimes.


6. 要求Jude站起来并说出自己的名字,以便记录在案。

(The judge asked Jude to rise and state his name for the court record.)

7. Jude felt nervous as he waited for the verdict of the jury.


8. 律师辩称Jude是无辜的,应该被释放。

(The lawyer argued that Jude was innocent and should be released.)

9. 当Jude被判有罪并被送进监狱时,他的家人非常伤心。

(Jude's family was devastated when he was found guilty and sent to prison.)

10. judicious (adj.) 明智的

(judicious (adj.) wise or sensible)



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