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1. 抬头的英文:Raise one's head

2. 怎么读(音标):[reɪz wʌnz hed]

3. 用法:表示把头抬起来,通常指抬起头来看或者听。


4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

1. She raised her head and looked at the beautiful sunset. 她抬起头望着美丽的日落。

2. He raised his head to listen to the sound of birds singing. 他抬起头听鸟儿的歌声。

3. The teacher asked the students to raise their heads and pay attention to the lesson. 老师要求学生们抬起头来专心听课。

4. He raised his head in pride when he received the award. 当他收到奖励时,他昂首挺胸。

5. The dog raised its head and barked at the stranger. 狗抬起头朝陌生人吠叫。

5. 同义词及用法:

- Look up: 把头向上看,通常指寻找或查找信息。:She looked up at the sky and saw a rainbow.

- Lift one's head: 把头抬高,通常指从低处往上抬。:He lifted his head to see who was calling his name.

- Raise one's gaze: 把视线提高,通常指从下方往上看。:She raised her gaze to meet his eyes.

- Hold one's head high: 把头高高扬起,通常指自信或骄傲的表现。:She held her head high and walked into the room with confidence.

6. 编辑总结:

抬头的英文"Raise one's head"是一个常用的表达,用于表示把头抬起来看或者听。它可以与其他同义词如"look up"、"lift one's head"等搭配使用,但每个词的用法略有不同。同时,在日常生活中,我们也可以使用一些类似的表达来增加语言的多样性和丰富度。总的来说,掌握这些表达能够让我们在交流中更加灵活地运用语言,增加表达的准确性和流畅性。


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