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1. 志同道合的英文意思:Having the same aspirations or goals; sharing the same interests or beliefs; being like-minded.

2. 怎么读(音标):/zhi tɔŋ daʊ haɪ/


3. 用法:“志同道合”一词通常用来形容人与人之间的关系,表示彼此有着相同的理想、目标、兴趣或信念,能够互相理解和支持。

4. 例句:

1) We became great friends because we were both interested in photography and had a similar vision for our future. (我们成为好朋友是因为我们对摄影都感兴趣,并且有着类似的未来愿景。)

2) The team members were all like-minded and worked well together, which led to their success. (团队成员都志同道合,一起工作得很好,这也促成了他们的成功。)

3) It's important to find someone who is truly like-minded when starting a business, as it can make the journey much smoother. (创业时找到志同道合的人很重要,因为这能让旅程变得更加顺利。)

4) She joined the club because she wanted to meet people who were like-minded and shared her passion for hiking. (她加入这个俱乐部是因为想要结识志同道合、热爱徒步旅行的人。)

5) We were all on the same page and had a strong sense of camaraderie, which made the project run smoothly. (我们都心有灵犀,有着浓厚的友情,这让项目顺利进行。)

5. 同义词及用法:

1) Kindred spirits: people who share the same beliefs, attitudes, or feelings.

2) Like-mindedness: having similar opinions, interests, or goals.

3) Sympatico: having a shared understanding or connection.

4) Comradeship: a feeling of friendship and loyalty among a group of people who share a difficult experience or work together towards a common goal.


6. 编辑总结: “志同道合”一词是一种积极的形容词短语,在人际关系中常被用来形容双方有着相同的想法、目标或价值观,能够互相理解和支持。当我们遇到志同道合的人时,会感到欣慰和温暖,因为他们能够帮助我们实现共同的目标,并在困难时给予支持。因此,找到志同道合的朋友或伴侣对于个人发展和幸福都是非常重要的。


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