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The meaning of "广交会用英语怎么说" in English is "How to say Canton Fair in English".


The pronunciation of "广交会用英语怎么说" is [guǎng jiāo huì yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō].



"广交会用英语怎么说" is a phrase commonly used when people want to know the English name of the Canton Fair. It can be used in both spoken and written language.


1. 我想知道广交会用英语怎么说。

I want to know how to say Canton Fair in English.

2. 请问,广交会用英语怎么说?

Excuse me, how do you say Canton Fair in English?

3. 广交会是最大的进出口贸易展览会,你知道它的英文名字是什么吗?

Canton Fair is the largest import and export trade fair in China, do you know its English name?

4. 广交会在每年春秋两季举办,它在国际上也很有名气,大家都知道它的英文名字。

Canton Fair is held twice a year in spring and autumn, it is also famous internationally and everyone knows its English name.

5. 邀请函上写着"Canton Fair",这就是我们常说的广交会。

The invitation letter says "Canton Fair", which is what we often refer to as the Canton Fair.


1. 进出口商品交易会 (China Import and Export Fair) - This is the official English name of the Canton Fair, but it is less commonly used in daily conversations.

2. 广州交易会 (Guangzhou Trade Fair) - This is another name for the Canton Fair, as it is held in Guangzhou.

3. 广交会 (China Canton Fair) - This name emphasizes that the fair is held in China and also includes its English name.

4. 国际贸易博览会 (International Trade Exhibition) - This is a more general term for trade fairs and exhibitions, but can also be used to refer to the Canton Fair.


In summary, "广交会用英语怎么说" is a phrase used to ask for the English name of the Canton Fair. It can be pronounced as [guǎng jiāo huì yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō] and can be used in various situations, such as when communicating with foreigners or searching for information about the fair online. There are several synonyms for this phrase, including "进出口商品交易会", "广州交易会", "广交会" and "国际贸易博览会". As an editor, it is important to provide accurate translations and synonyms for phrases like this to help readers better understand and use them in their daily lives.


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