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一:广东省海洋与渔业局的英文翻译的意思:The English translation of Guangdong Provincial Department of Ocean and Fisheries.

二:怎么读(音标):/ˈɡwæŋˈdʊŋ ˈprɒvɪnʃəl dɪˈpɑːtmənt əv ˈoʊʃən ænd ˈfɪʃəriz/




1. 广东省海洋与渔业局将加强对沿海地区渔业资源的保护和管理。

Guangdong Provincial Department of Ocean and Fisheries will strengthen the protection and management of fishery resources in coastal areas.

2. 广东省海洋与渔业局已经制定了一系列措施来促进海洋生态环境保护。

The Guangdong Provincial Department of Ocean and Fisheries has implemented a series of measures to promote the protection of marine ecological environment.

3. 该局将加大力度推进渔业产业结构调整,提高渔业发展的质量和效益。

The department will intensify efforts to promote the structural adjustment of the fishery industry and improve the quality and efficiency of fishery development.

4. 广东省海洋与渔业局将加强对捕捞行为的打击力度,维护渔业资源的可持续利用。

Guangdong Provincial Department of Ocean and Fisheries will strengthen the crackdown on illegal fishing activities to maintain the sustainable use of fishery resources.

5. 该局将积极推进海洋经济发展,促进海洋与渔业产业的融合发展。

The department will actively promote the development of marine economy and promote the integration of marine and fishery industries.

五:同义词及用法:广东省海洋与渔业局的同义词可以是Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Ocean and Fisheries,也可以简称为Guangdong Ocean and Fisheries Bureau。用法方面,除了作为名称外,也可以作为研究海洋和渔业相关信息的参考来源。




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