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1. 小蓑衣藤的英文:Virginia Creeper

2. 怎么读(音标):/vərˈdʒɪnjə ˈkriːpər/

3. 用法:作为植物的名称,通常用来指代一种常见的攀援植物,也可以用来形容具有攀援特性的其他植物。


4. 例句:

1. The Virginia Creeper is a fast-growing vine that can reach up to 50 feet in height.


2. The walls of the old house were covered in Virginia Creeper, giving it a charming and rustic look.


3. The garden is filled with various plants, including roses, daisies, and Virginia Creeper.


4. The leaves of the Virginia Creeper turn bright red in autumn, making it a popular choice for fall decorations.


5. The Virginia Creeper is often used as a ground cover in gardens due to its ability to spread quickly and cover large areas.


5. 同义词及用法:Boston Ivy、Japanese Creeper、Woodbine等,都是指同一种植物,只是在不同地区或语言中有不同的名称。

6. 编辑总结:小蓑衣藤(Virginia Creeper)是一种常见的攀援植物,它具有快速生长和攀援特性,在花园中可以作为地被植物或装饰植物使用。它的叶子在秋天变成鲜艳的红色,因此也是秋季装饰的热门选择。除了小蓑衣藤之外,还有其他一些名称可以指代同一种植物,在不同语言和地区可能会有所差异。


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