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The meaning of "小用英语怎么说" is "how to say in simple English".


Pronunciation: xiǎo yòng yīngyǔ zěnme shuō



"小用英语怎么说" is often used as a question when someone wants to express something in simple English.


1. 你能告诉我这个单词的意思吗?小用英语怎么说?

Can you tell me the meaning of this word? How do I say it in simple English?

2. 我不太懂这个句子的意思,你可以给我一个小用英语怎么说吗?

I don't really understand the meaning of this sentence, can you give me a how-to-say-it-in-simple-English?

3. 我不太会表达这个观点,你能帮我想想小用英语怎么说吗?

I'm not sure how to express this idea, can you help me with a how-to-say-it-in-simple-English?

4. 他的口语水平很差,每次都要问别人小用英语怎么说。

His spoken English is not very good, he always asks others how to say things in simple English.

5. 如果你不知道某个单词的意思,可以尝试一下小用英语怎么说。

If you don't know the meaning of a word, you can try asking how to say it in simple English.


- 小白话怎么说 (xiǎo báihuà zěnme shuō): literally means "how to say in simple language", can be used interchangeably with "小用英语怎么说".

- 简单表达 (jiǎndān biǎodá): means "simple expression", can also be used to ask for a simpler way of saying something in English.


"小用英语怎么说" is a useful phrase for language learners who want to improve their ability to express themselves in simple English. It can also be used as a tool for communication between people who have different levels of English proficiency. Other similar phrases such as "小白话怎么说" and "简单表达" can also be used in similar situations. As an editor, it's important to provide clear and accurate definitions and examples for these phrases so that they can be easily understood and applied by readers.


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