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Owner of the browser Netscape Navigator announced that support for the browser will be discontinued on March 1st.


/nɛtˌskeɪp nəˈveɪgətər/


网景航海家网浏览器是一款由美国公司Netscape Communications开发的网络浏览器,于1994年发布。它曾经是互联网上最受欢迎的浏览器之一,但随着其他竞争对手如微软的Internet Explorer的出现,其市场份额逐渐下降。最终,在2008年,Netscape公司决定放弃浏览器业务,并将其源代码捐赠给Mozilla基金会。



1. The owner of Netscape Navigator has announced that support for the browser will be discontinued on March 1st. (网景航海家网浏览器的拥有者宣布将在三月1日停止对该浏览器的支持。)

2. Many users of Netscape Navigator are disappointed with this news, as they have been loyal to the browser for many years. (许多网景航海家网浏览器的用户对这一消息感到失望,因为他们多年来一直忠于该浏览器。)

3. The decision to discontinue support for Netscape Navigator was made due to its declining market share and the emergence of stronger compes. (停止支持网景航海家网浏览器的决定是由于其市场份额下降以及更强大的竞争对手的出现。)

4. Some users have already switched to other browsers, such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, while others are still searching for a suitable replacement. (一些用户已经转向其他浏览器,如谷歌浏览器和Mozilla Firefox,而另一些人则仍在寻找合适的替代品。)

5. The end of support for Netscape Navigator marks the end of an era in the history of internet browsing, but it also opens up new opportunities for innovation and development in the field. (对网景航海家网浏览器的支持结束标志着互联网浏览历史上一个时代的结束,但它也为该领域的创新和发展开辟了新的机遇。)


1. Web browser - a software application used to access and view websites on the internet.

2. Internet browser - another term for web browser.

3. Online navigator - a program or application that allows users to navigate through websites on the internet.

4. Internet surfer - someone who uses a web browser to browse the internet.

5. Web surfer - another term for internet surfer.


Netscape Navigator was once a popular web browser in the early days of the internet, but it eventually lost its market share to compes like Internet Explorer and was discontinued in 2008. The owner's recent announcement of ending support for the browser on March 1st marks the end of an era, but it also presents new opportunities for innovation and development in the field of web browsing. As internet technology continues to evolve, it is important for users to keep up with the latest trends and choose a reliable and updated web browser for their online activities.


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