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- 意思:指某人或某物的秘密或隐藏的地方非常深,难以被或触及,也可以指某个计划或行动的重要性或复杂性超出想象。

- 怎么读(音标):shěn shěn de dòng hǎo shēn, gé mìng tuán tōu zǒu de xiāng zi

- 用法:作为形容词短语使用,常用于比喻性描述。


- 例句:

1. 婶婶的洞好深,我找了半天也没找到她藏起来的钱包。

Aunt's hiding spot is really deep, I searched for a long time but still couldn't find the wallet she hid.

2. 团偷走的箱子里装着什么东西?我猜肯定是些重要文件,毕竟那是婶婶的洞好深。

What's inside the box stolen by the revolutionary group? I bet it must be some important documents, after all, it's Aunt's deep hiding spot.

3. 这个问题看似简单,但实际上却是婶婶的洞好深,需要花费大量时间和精力才能解决。

This question may seem simple, but in reality it's Aunt's deep hiding spot, requiring a lot of time and effort to solve.

4. 这次考试真是婶婶的洞好深,我复习了那么多,还是考得不太理想。

This exam is really Aunt's deep hiding spot, I studied so much but still didn't do well.

5. 他的计划真是婶婶的洞好深,我们都没想到他会这么做。

His plan is really Aunt's deep hiding spot, we never thought he would do this.

- 同义词及用法:难以捉摸、难以琢磨、复杂、深奥

- 编辑总结:本词条主要介绍了“婶婶的洞好深”这一形容词短语的意思、读音、用法和例句,并提供了同义词及用法作为补充。该短语常用于比喻性描述,形容某人或某物的秘密或隐藏之处非常深,也可以指某个计划或行动的重要性或复杂性超出想象。在使用时应注意语境,避免误解。


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