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Meaning: How to say "姿势" in English


Pronunciation: /zīshì/

Usage: "姿势" (zīshì) is a Chinese word that refers to the position or posture of the body. It can also be used to describe a particular way of holding oneself or performing an action.

Example Sentences:

1. 她的瑜伽姿势非常优美。(Tā de yújiā zīshì fēicháng yōuměi.) - Her yoga poses are very graceful.

2. 他的跳舞姿势非常灵活。(Tā de tiàowǔ zīshì fēicháng línghuó.) - His dance moves are very agile.

3. 学习正确的坐姿很重要。(Xuéxí zhèngquè de zuòzī hěn zhòngyào.) - It's important to learn the correct sitting posture.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 姿态 (zītài) - This word also means "posture" and can be used interchangeably with "姿势". However, it is more commonly used in formal contexts.

2. 姿容 (zīróng) - This word refers specifically to one's physical appearance and can also be translated as "figure" or "bearing".

3. 体式 (tǐshì) - This word is often used in sports or fitness contexts, referring to a specific physical position or movement.

Editor's Summary:

In summary, "姿势" (zīshì) is a versatile Chinese word that can refer to various positions or postures of the body. It is commonly used in everyday conversations and can also be found in formal contexts. Other related words such as "姿态" (zītài), "姿容" (zīróng), and "体式" (tǐshì) can also be used to express similar meanings.


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