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1. 姣 (jiāo)



1. beautiful; pretty; lovely

2. charming; graceful

3. clever; intelligent


- 姣 is often used to describe a woman's appearance, but can also be used to describe objects or landscapes.

- It can also be used as an adjective or adverb, such as in 姣好 (jiāohǎo) meaning "excellent" or "perfectly".

Example sentences:

1. 她真是一位姣女子,让人不由自主地被她迷住了。(Tā zhēnshì yí wèi jiāo nǚzǐ,ràng rén bùyóuzìzhǔ de bèi tā mízhù le.) - She is a beautiful woman who captivates people.

2. 这幅画的色彩太姣了,让我感受到了春天的气息。(Zhè fú huà de sècǎi tài jiāo le,ràng wǒ gǎnshòu dào le chūntiān de qìxī.) - The colors of this painting are so lovely, it makes me feel the breath of spring.


美丽 (měilì) - beautiful

漂亮 (piàoliang) - pretty

可爱 (kě'ài) - cute/lovely

Editor's summary:

姣 is a versatile word that can be used to describe beauty, charm, and intelligence. It is commonly used to describe women's appearances but can also be applied to other objects and concepts. Its synonyms include 美丽, 漂亮, and 可爱.


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