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hailu是一个汉语词汇,读作“hái lǔ”,意思是指一种高山草原。它通常生长在海拔较高的地方,气候寒冷,植被稀疏的地区。这种草原上的植物多为高山植物,具有抗寒、抗旱、耐寒等特点。因此,hailu也被称为“高山草原”。


读音为“hái lǔ”。其中,“hái”的声调为第三声,“lǔ”的声调为第四声。在普通话中,发音时要注意将第三声和第四声分别读出来,不要混淆。



1. 我们经过一片茫茫的高山草原,远处有几头牦牛在吃着那里的青草。

2. 这里是一片海拔较高的海陆地带,常年被冰雪覆盖着。

3. 高山草原上生长着许多稀有植物,如藏红花、苦菊等。

4. 由于气候寒冷、缺水缺氧,高山草原上的植物具有很强的生命力。

5. 在高山草原上,我们可以欣赏到绝美的自然风光,感受大自然的鬼斧神工。





Hailu is a Chinese word, pronounced as "hái lǔ", which refers to a type of high mountain grassland. It usually grows in high altitude areas with cold climate and sparse vegetation. The plants on this grassland are mostly alpine plants, with characteristics such as cold resistance, drought resistance and frost resistance. Therefore, hailu is also known as "high mountain grassland".

Hailu is what does it mean? What is the pronunciation of hailu?

The pronunciation is "hái lǔ". The tone of "hái" is the third tone, and the tone of "lǔ" is the fourth tone. When speaking in Mandarin, be sure to pronounce the third and fourth tones separately to avoid confusion.


1. We passed through a vast expanse of high mountain grassland, with several yaks grazing on the green grass.

2. This is an area of high altitude land that is covered with ice and snow all year round.

3. Many rare plants grow on the high mountain grassland, such as saffron and bitter chrysanthemum.

4. Due to the cold climate and lack of water and oxygen, the plants on the high mountain grassland have strong vitality.

5. On the high mountain grassland, we can enjoy the beautiful natural scenery and experience the wonders of nature.

Compound words:

High mountain grassland, yak, altitude, ice and snow, rare plants, lack of water and oxygen, vitality, natural scenery.

In summary, hailu is a Chinese word that refers to a type of high mountain grassland. It is pronounced as "hái lǔ" in Mandarin. This grassland is characterized by its cold climate and sparse vegetation, with many rare alpine plants growing on it. Despite the harsh conditions, the plants on hailu have strong vitality. It is a beautiful and unique landscape that showcases the wonders of nature.


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