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1. The toy was covered in goo, making it difficult to pick up.


2. The scientist studied the properties of different types of goo.


3. The children had a lot of fun playing with the gooey slime.


4. The spilled soda created a sticky goo on the kitchen floor.


5. The mechanic used a special goo to seal the leak in the car's engine.



1. goober (花生)

2. goodie (好东西)

3. goop (粘稠物质)

4. googly (眼睛转动的样子)

5. gooseneck (鹅颈)


goo是什么意思?- What does goo mean?

goo是一种粘稠的液体- Goo is a sticky liquid.

形容物体表面上的黏性- Describes the stickiness on the surface of an object.

可以用来表示某物表面有一层粘性物质- It can be used to indicate a layer of sticky substance on the surface of something.

也可以用来形容某物本身就是一种粘稠的液体- It can also be used to describe something that is inherently a sticky liquid.

读音为/guː/- Pronounced as /guː/.

发音时舌头要伸出来,嘴唇要微微张开- When pronouncing, stick your tongue out and slightly open your lips.

1. The toy was covered in goo, making it difficult to pick up.


2. The scientist studied the properties of different types of goo.


3. The children had a lot of fun playing with the gooey slime.


4. The spilled soda created a sticky goo on the kitchen floor.


5. The mechanic used a special goo to seal the leak in the car's engine.


1. 这个玩具被粘液覆盖着,很难拿起来。

2. 科学家研究了不同类型的粘稠物质的特性。

3. 孩子们玩得很开心,他们在玩黏黏糊糊的黏土。

4. 溢出的苏打水在厨房地板上形成了一层粘乎乎的东西。

5. 汽车修理工使用特殊的胶水来封闭汽车发动机中的漏洞。

1. goober (花生)

2. goodie (好东西)

3. goop (粘稠物质)

4. googly (眼睛转动的样子)

5. gooseneck (鹅颈)

1. 花生

2. 好东西

3. 粘稠物质

4. 眼睛转动的样子

5. 鹅颈



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