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Olympic TV Broadcast Mission


/əˈlɪmpɪk ˈtiːvi ˈbrɔːdkæst ˈmɪʃən/

noun. a task or assignment related to the television broadcast of the Olympic Games.

Usage: The Olympic TV broadcast mission involves coordinating with various TV networks to ensure comprehensive coverage of the games.

例句1:The organizing committee has assigned a team to handle the Olympic TV broadcast mission.


例句2:The success of the Olympic TV broadcast mission depends on the cooperation between different broadcasting companies.


例句3:As part of their Olympic TV broadcast mission, the team will be responsible for live streaming events on social media platforms.


例句4:The network has invested heavily in equipment and personnel for their Olympic TV broadcast mission.


例句5:The successful completion of the Olympic TV broadcast mission has earned praise from viewers around the world.



- Olympic television coverage task (synonym)

- Broadcast mission of the Olympic Games (alternative term)

- Task of televising the Olympics (alternative phrase)




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