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pull away是什么意思

一:pull away是什么意思的意思:

pull away是一个动词短语,表示“离开”、“抽离”、“拉走”的意思。

pull away是什么意思


[pʊl əˈweɪ]


1. 作为不及物动词,表示“离开”、“抽离”,常用于指人或车辆的移动。

2. 作为及物动词,表示“拉走”,常用于指物体被拉走或拖走。

3. 可以用来表示情感上的脱离,“pull away from someone/something”,意为“与某人/某事物疏远”。


1. The car pulled away from the curb and drove off. (这辆车从路边驶出去了。)

2. The child pulled away from his mother's embrace and ran to the playground. (孩子挣脱了妈妈的拥抱,跑向操场。)

3. The boat slowly pulled away from the shore and headed towards the open sea. (小船慢慢地离开了岸边,驶向大海。)

4. She felt like she was being pulled away from her friends as she moved to a new city. (她觉得自己在搬到新城市后与朋友们渐行渐远。)

5. The thief tried to pull away the bag from the woman's hand, but she held onto it tightly. (小偷试图从女人手中抢走包,但她紧紧抓住不放。)


1. move away:意为“移开”、“离开”,强调物体的移动。

2. detach:意为“分离”、“脱离”,通常指将物体从另一个物体上分开。

3. withdraw:意为“撤回”、“退出”,常用于指撤或撤离某个地区。

4. disengage:意为“解脱”、“脱离”,强调从某种关系或活动中解放出来。

5. distance oneself from:意为“与…保持距离”,常用于表示对某事物的态度或立场。


在日常生活中,我们经常会使用到pull away这个短语,它可以表示物体的移动、情感上的脱离以及抽离等含义。在写作时,我们也可以根据具体的语境选择合适的同义词来替换,以丰富文章表达。


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