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The English meaning of "天时地利人和" is the perfect combination of favorable timing, geographical advantages, and harmonious relationships between people.



Pronunciation: tiān shí dì lì rén hé


"天时地利人和" is a Chinese proverb that originated from the ancient Chinese military treatise "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. It is used to describe a situation where all the necessary conditions are present for success or victory.


1) 在这次商业谈判中,我们必须抓住天时地利人和的机会。

In this business negotiation, we must seize the opportunity of favorable timing, geographical advantages, and harmonious relationships between people.

2) 只有在天时地利人和的情况下,我们才能取得胜利。

Only when we have favorable timing, geographical advantages, and harmonious relationships between people can we achieve victory.

3) 他们成功的关键在于把握住了天时地利人和。

The key to their success lies in seizing the opportunity of favorable timing, geographical advantages, and harmonious relationships between people.

4) 这个项目能够成功,完全是因为它具备了天时地利人和的条件。

This project can succeed because it has all the necessary conditions of favorable timing, geographical advantages, and harmonious relationships between people.

5) 我们要想取得胜利,就必须要有天时地利人和。

If we want to achieve victory, we must have favorable timing, geographical advantages, and harmonious relationships between people.


- 天时地利:refers to the external conditions or environment that are favorable for success or victory.

- 人和:refers to the harmonious relationships between people, which is crucial for achieving success.

- 天衣无缝:literally means "perfectly seamless," and is used to describe a situation where everything is perfectly coordinated and without any flaws.

- 三位一体:literally means "trinity," and is used to describe a situation where three factors are perfectly combined and working together.

- 鸿运当头:literally means "good luck comes at the right time," and is used to describe a situation where everything falls into place at the right moment.


In summary, "天时地利人和" is a Chinese proverb that emphasizes the importance of having favorable timing, geographical advantages, and harmonious relationships between people in achieving success or victory. It originated from "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu and has been widely used in various contexts. Other similar phrases include "天衣无缝," "三位一体," and "鸿运当头." Remembering this proverb can remind us of the importance of being well-prepared and maintaining good relationships with others in order to achieve our goals.


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