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1. 天时,地利,人和 (tiān shí, dì lì, rén hé)


Pronunciation: /tjɛn ʃiː, dɪ liː, rɛn hə/

2. Usage:

天时,地利,人和 is a Chinese idiom that describes the three elements necessary for success in any endeavor. It means that favorable timing, advantageous location and harmonious relationships among people are crucial for achieving success.

3. Examples:

1) 天时,地利,人和是一种重要的成功法则。

(Tiān shí, dì lì, rén hé shì yī zhǒng zhòng yào de chéng gōng fǎ zé.)

Translation: Favorable timing, advantageous location and harmonious relationships among people are important principles for success.

2) 这个项目的成功离不开天时,地利,人和。

(Zhè gè xiàng mù de chéng gōng lí bù kāi tiān shí, dì lì, rén hé.)

Translation: The success of this project relies on favorable timing, advantageous location and harmonious relationships among people.

3) 在这个行业取得成功需要天时,地利,人和。

(Zài zhè gè háng yè qǔ dé chéng gōng xū yào tiān shí,dì lì,rén hé.)

Translation: Achieving success in this industry requires favorable timing, advantageous location and harmonious relationships among people.

4) 她认为天时,地利,人和对于创业来说都非常重要。

(Tā rèn wéi tiān shí, dì lì, rén hé duì yú chuàng yè lái shuō dōu fēi cháng zhòng yào.)

Translation: She believes that favorable timing, advantageous location and harmonious relationships among people are all crucial for starting a business.

5) 在这个团队,我们注重天时,地利,人和的平衡。

(Zài zhè gè tuán duì, wǒ men zhù zhòng tiān shí, dì lì, rén hé de píng hé.)

Translation: In this team, we pay attention to maintaining a balance of favorable timing, advantageous location and harmonious relationships among people.

4. Synonyms:

1) 机遇,环境,人际关系 (jī yù, huán jìng, rén jí guān xì)

Translation: Opportunity, environment and interpersonal relationships

2) 时机,地点,人情 (shí jī,dì diǎn,rén qíng)

Translation: Timing, location and human feelings

3) 时机,位置,人际关系 (shí jī,wèi zhi,rén jí guān xì)

Translation: Timing, position and interpersonal relationships

4) 适当的时间、地点和人际关系 (shì dàng de shí jiān,dì diǎn hé rén jí guān xì)

Translation: Appropriate timing, location and interpersonal relationships

5. Editor's Summary:

天时,地利,人和 is a well-known Chinese idiom that emphasizes the importance of favorable timing, advantageous location and harmonious relationships among people for achieving success. It is often used in discussions about business, projects and teamwork. Other similar phrases include 机遇,环境,人际关系 (opportunity, environment and interpersonal relationships) and 时机,地点,人情 (timing, location and human feelings). As an editor, it is important to understand the meaning and usage of idioms like 天时,地利,人和 in order to effectively communicate with a Chinese-speaking audience.


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