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1. Multilayered: consisting of multiple layers or levels

2. Pronunciation: /ˈmʌltiˌleɪəd/

3. Usage: used to describe something that has many layers or levels, either physically or metaphorically


4. Example Sentences:

1. The multilayered cake was a work of art, with each layer perfectly stacked on of the other.


2. The novel had a multilayered plot, with twists and turns that kept the readers on edge until the very end.


3. The company's multilayered marketing strategy involved targeting different demographics through various platforms.


4. The painting was a multilayered masterpiece, with hidden meanings and symbols throughout the layers.


5. The government's plan for economic recovery was a multilayered approach, involving both short-term and long-term solutions.


5. Synonyms: layered, complex, intricate, multifaceted

6. Synonym Usage:

- Layered: used to describe something that has different levels or aspects

- Complex: used to describe something that is made up of many interconnected parts or ideas

- Intricate: used to describe something that is very detailed and complex

- Multifaceted: used to describe something that has many different sides or aspects

Editor's Summary:

Multilayered is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts, both literal and figurative. It describes something that has multiple layers or levels, whether it be physical objects like cakes or novels, or abstract concepts like marketing strategies and economic plans. Its synonyms also convey similar meanings of complexity and depth. As an editor, it is important to understand the nuances of this word and use it appropriately in different situations.


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