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English Review


Review (v.) - to study or look at something again in order to remember it or understand it better; to examine or consider something again in order to make changes or improvements





1. Review can be used as a verb, meaning to study or examine something again.

Example: I need to review my notes before the exam.

2. It can also be used as a noun, referring to an assessment or evaluation of something.

Example: The book received mixed reviews from critics.

3. In academic settings, review can also refer to a written evaluation of a book, movie, or other work of art.

Example: The professor assigned us a book review for our next assignment.


1. I need to review my notes before the exam. (我需要在考试前复习我的笔记。)

2. The book received mixed reviews from critics. (这本书收到了评论家们褒贬不一的评价。)

3. The professor assigned us a book review for our next assignment. (教授给我们布置了一篇书评作为下次作业。)

4. Can you give me some feedback and review on my presentation? (你能给我关于我的演讲一些反馈和评价吗?)

5. The company is undergoing a performance review for all employees. (公司正在进行所有员工的绩效评估。)


1. Re-examine - similar meaning as "review", but with a stronger emphasis on studying or looking at something again.

2. Evaluate - to assess or judge the quality, importance, or value of something.

3. Critique - a detailed analysis or assessment of something, often with a critical viewpoint.

4. Study - to spend time learning and understanding information about a particular subject.

5. Audit - to carefully examine and check the accuracy of financial records.


In summary, review is a versatile word that can be used as both a verb and a noun. It is commonly used in academic settings to refer to studying or evaluating something again, but it can also be used in everyday situations such as giving feedback or assessing performance. Synonyms for review include re-examine, evaluate, critique, study, and audit. As an editor and translator for a dictionary, it is important to have a strong understanding of words like "review" in order to accurately define and explain their usage in different contexts.


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