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Meaning: the act of providing a response or answer to a question or request.

Pronunciation: /rɪˈspaɪ/

Usage: Reply is a verb that means to respond to something that has been said, written, or asked. It can also be used as a noun to refer to the response itself.


Example 1: She replied to my email within minutes.


Example 2: The company has yet to reply to our request for more information.


Example 3: He always replies with a smile when someone greets him.


Example 4: I'm still waiting for her reply.


Example 5: Please reply as soon as possible.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Respond - This is the most commonly used synonym for reply and can be used interchangeably in most cases.

2. Answer - This is often used when replying to a question or solving a problem.

3. Retort - This implies a quick and sharp response, often in an argument or debate.

4. Rejoinder - This is a formal synonym for reply and is often used in written communication.

5. Acknowledge - This means to show that you have received and understood a message, but may not provide an actual response.

Editor's Summary:

Reply is an essential part of communication, whether it's in person, through writing, or online. It shows that you are actively engaged in the conversation and are willing to continue it. Remember to always reply promptly and politely, as it reflects on your professionalism and courtesy towards others.


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