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- Meaning: To savor or appreciate something, especially in terms of taste or quality.

- Pronunciation: /pɪnˈweɪ ʌf ɪŋˈglɪʃ haʊ tu seɪ/

- Usage: This phrase is used to describe the act of enjoying or appreciating something, usually in reference to food, drinks, or other sensory experiences.


- Example 1: I love going to new restaurants and trying different dishes. It's always fun to see how they present their food and how it tastes. It's all about how you experience and "pinwei" the flavors.

- Translation 1: 我喜欢去新的餐厅尝试不同的菜肴。看他们如何呈现食物,品尝它的味道总是很有趣。这一切都在于你如何体验和“品味”风味。

- Example 2: The wine connoisseur took a sip of the vintage red and closed his eyes, savoring every drop. He truly knew how to "pinwei" a good wine.

- Translation 2: 那位葡萄酒行家品了一口古老的红酒,闭上眼睛,细细品味每一滴。他真的知道如何“品味”一瓶好酒。


1. Appreciate - This word can be used as a synonym for "pinwei," but it has a broader meaning and can also refer to showing gratitude or recognizing value in something.

2. Savor - Similar to "pinwei," this word specifically refers to enjoying the taste or smell of something.

3. Delight in - This phrase can also be used to convey the idea of taking pleasure in something, but it is often used in a more playful or whimsical manner.

4. Relish - Another synonym for "pinwei," this word emphasizes the enjoyment and satisfaction derived from something.

5. Enjoy - While not an exact synonym, this word can also be used to describe the act of appreciating or taking pleasure in something.

Editor's Summary:

"Pinwei" is a versatile phrase that can be used to describe the act of savoring or appreciating something, particularly in terms of taste or quality. It is commonly used when talking about food, drinks, and other sensory experiences. Some similar words include "appreciate," "savor," and "delight in."


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