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1) 他们在墙上涂鸦了一些奇怪的graffiti。

2) 这座城市的墙壁到处都是graffiti。

3) 正在调查这些graffiti的来源。

4) 他们利用涂鸦来表达自己对社会问题的看法。

5) 这些graffiti给城市增添了一些色彩。


1) graffiti artist(涂鸦艺术家)

2) graffiti culture(涂鸦文化)

3) graffiti tag(涂鸦标记)

4) graffiti wall(涂鸦墙)

5) graffiti art(涂鸦艺术)


1) graffiti:涂鸦

2) origin:起源

3) development:发展

4) illegal:非法的

5) street art:街头艺术

Graffiti, also known as tagging, refers to the act of painting, carving, or engraving unauthorized patterns, words or symbols on public places or private property. It is often seen as an illegal form of art, but some consider it a street culture and a means of expression. Its origins can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome and has gone through a long process of development with different forms in various periods and regions. Today, graffiti has become a popular art form that is increasingly accepted and appreciated by people. It is not only a way of expression but also a channel for reflecting social issues and personal emotions. Despite its illegal nature, graffiti is slowly being recognized and integrated into urban culture. As I reflect on this ic, I cannot help but feel a sense of admiration for the rebellious spirit behind graffiti and its ability to capture the essence of society. While it may still be seen as controversial, I believe that graffiti has the power to bring people together and spark important conversations about our world.


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