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1.grip是指紧握或抓住的动作,也可以指对某件事物的掌握或影响力。:He had a firm grip on the rope.(他牢牢抓住绳子。)The company has a strong grip on the market.(这家公司对市场有很强的掌控力。)



例句1:She gripped his hand tightly as they walked through the dark alley.(当他们走过黑暗小巷时,她紧紧地抓着他的手。)

例句2:The fear of failure gripped him and he couldn't move forward.(失败的恐惧让他无法前进。)

例句3:The new manager has a good grip on the team and has improved their performance.(新经理对团队有很好的掌控力,并提高了他们的表现。)

例句4:The cold weather made it hard for him to get a good grip on the steering wheel.(寒冷天气让他很难抓住方向盘。)

例句5:The movie has a strong grip on the audience and keeps them on the edge of their seats.(这部电影对观众有很强的吸引力,让他们坐立不安。)


get a grip on something(掌握某事)

lose one's grip(失去)

have a good grip(握力强)

in the grip of(被...所)

iron grip(铁腕)

grip strength(握力)

grip tape(抓握带)

5.grip的中文意思是紧握、抓住或掌握,也可以指影响力或掌控力。:他紧紧地抓住我的手。(He gripped my hand tightly.)这家公司对市场有很强的掌控力。(The company has a strong grip on the market.)

6.总结:grip一词可以作动词或名词使用,意为紧握、抓住、掌握或影响力。其读音为/ɡrɪp/,在英语中还有其他相关词性和意思。常见的用法包括get a grip on something、lose one's grip、have a good grip等短语。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的词性和用法来表达。


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