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1.horseman是指骑马者,马术运动员或者骑。:The horseman skillfully guided his horse over the obstacles in the show jumping competition.(这位马术运动员在障碍赛中熟练地驾驭着他的马。)

2.horseman也可以指骑士,尤其是中世纪的骑士。:The brave horseman rode into battle with his sword held high.(这位勇敢的骑士挥舞着手中的剑冲入战场。)

3.horseman也可以指从事马业工作的人,如养殖、训练或饲养马匹的人。:The horseman took great care of the horses on the ranch.(这位从事马业工作的人精心照料着牧场上的马匹。)

4.horseman还可以指乘坐在摩托车或自行车上的人。:The group of horsemen rode their motorcycles through the winding mountain roads.(那群摩托车手在蜿蜒曲折的山路上飞速前进。)

5.horseman也可以用来表示某种特定职业或身份,如歌剧院中负责换装和布景调整的工作人员就被称为horsemen。:The horsemen quickly changed the set for the next scene during the intermission.(这些horsemen在中场休息时迅速为下一场景更换布景。)


Horseman的读音为 ['hɔːsmən],重音在第一个音节上。其中,"hors"发[ɔːs],"man"发[mən]。


1. The horseman rode his horse through the fields, enjoying the fresh air and scenic views.


2. The medieval knight was known as a skilled horseman and a brave warrior.


3. As a professional horseman, he trained the horses for the upcoming race with great dedication.


4. The group of horsemen rode their bikes along the scenic coastal route, enjoying the beautiful views along the way.


5. The horsemen quickly changed into their costumes and adjusted the set for the next act of the opera.



1. horseman's whip(骑手的鞭子)

2. horseman's saddle(骑手的马鞍)

3. horseman's uniform(骑手的制服)

4. horseman's skills(骑手的技能)

5. horseman's helmet(骑手的头盔)


1. 骑马者 - horseman

2. 骑士 - knight/horseman

3. 马业工作人员 - horseman/equestrian worker

4. 摩托车手 - motorcyclist/horseman

5. 歌剧院中负责换装和布景调整的工作人员 - stagehand/horseman

6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结,通过以上内容可以看出,horseman一词可以指代多种含义,主要与马有关。它既可以指马术运动员、骑士、从事马业工作的人,也可以指乘坐摩托车或自行车的人。此外,在特定场合下,也可以用来表示某种职业或身份。它的读音为['hɔːsmən],可以通过组词和中英文对照来加深理解。总的来说,horseman是一个多义词,需要根据具体语境来确定其含义。


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