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英文:How to write for audience


读音:[haʊ tə raɪt fɔːr ˈɔːdiəns]


例句1:As a professional writer, I always consider my audience and write accordingly. (作为一名专业作家,我总是考虑我的读者,并相应地进行写作。)

例句2:The speech was well-received by the audience, thanks to the speaker's ability to write in a clear and engaging manner. (演讲得到了听众的广泛认可,这要归功于演讲者能够以清晰有趣的方式进行写作。)

例句3:In order to effectively communicate with your audience, you need to understand how they prefer to be written to. (为了有效地与你的听众沟通,你需要了解他们喜欢如何被书写。)

例句4:The article was poorly written and failed to connect with its intended audience. (这篇文章写得很差,无法与预期的读者建立。)

例句5:As an editor, it is my job to ensure that all content is written in a way that is accessible and engaging for our audience. (作为一名编辑,我的工作是确保所有内容都以一种易于理解和吸引人的方式进行书写,以符合我们的读者需求。)

同义词及用法:1. Write for readers:为读者写作

2. Compose for audience:为听众撰写

3. Craft for viewers:为观众创作

4. Pen for public:为公众撰写

5. Draft for spectators:为观众起草



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