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Meaning: the meaning of something is what it expresses or represents, especially when this is different from its literal meaning.


How to read: /ˈmiːnɪŋ/

Usage: Meaning can refer to the significance, intention, or purpose of something. It can also describe the interpretation or understanding of a word, sentence, or passage.

Example 1: The meaning of love is often debated and difficult to define.


Example 2: The true meaning of the song was hidden behind its poetic lyrics.


Example 3: The meaning of this symbol varies depending on culture and context.


Example 4: What is the meaning behind your actions?


Example 5: The dictionary provides definitions for words and their meanings.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Definition - a statement that explains the meaning of a word or phrase

2. Significance - the importance or meaning attached to something

3. Interpretation - an explanation or understanding of something

4. Sense - the way in which a word or phrase can be understood

5. Implication - an indirect suggestion or indication of something's meaning

Editor's Summary:

The concept of "meaning" is complex and can refer to various aspects such as significance, intention, interpretation, and more. It is important to carefully consider context and culture when trying to understand the true meaning behind words, symbols, and actions. Synonyms such as definition, significance, interpretation, sense, and implication can be used depending on the specific context.


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