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Word: 西红柿 (xī hóng shì)

Pronunciation: /ʃiː hɒŋ ʃiː/


Usage: noun

Meaning: A round, red fruit with a juicy flesh and many seeds, often used in cooking or eaten raw.


1. 我喜欢在沙拉里加入一些西红柿。(wǒ xǐ huān zài shā lā lǐ jiā rù yī xiē xī hóng shì.)

I like to add some tomatoes in my salad.

2. 这道菜需要用到新鲜的西红柿。(zhè dào cài xū yào yòng dào xīn xiān de xī hóng shì.)

This dish requires fresh tomatoes.

3. 西红柿是一种非常健康的食物。(xī hóng shì shì yī zhǒng fēi cháng jiàn kāng de shí wù.)

Tomatoes are a very healthy food.

4. 我们家种了很多西红柿,所以每年夏天都会吃到新鲜的。(wǒ men jiā zhòng le hěn duō xī hóng shì, suǒ yǐ měi nián xià tiān dōu huì chī dào xīn xiān de.)

We grow a lot of tomatoes at home, so we get to eat fresh ones every summer.

5. 西红柿可以用来做很多不同的菜肴,比如意大利面、披萨和汤。(xī hóng shì kě yǐ yòng lái zuò hěn duō bù tóng de cài yáo, bǐ rú yì dà lì miàn, pī sà hé tāng.)

Tomatoes can be used to make many different dishes, such as pasta, pizza, and soup.


番茄 (fān qié) - tomato

蕃茄 (fān qié) - tomato

西红柿子 (xī hóng shì zǐ) - cherry tomato

西红柿酱 (xī hóng shì jiàng) - tomato sauce

Editor's Summary:

西红柿 is a commonly used noun in Chinese that refers to a round, red fruit with a juicy flesh and many seeds. It is often used in cooking or eaten raw. The pronunciation of 西红柿 is /ʃiː hɒŋ ʃiː/, and it can be used in various dishes such as salads, pasta, and pizza. Other similar words for 西红柿 include 番茄, 蕃茄, 西红柿子, and 西红柿酱.


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