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Meaning: How to say "同意" in English


Pronunciation: [tʊŋˈiː]

Usage: Verb, can be used both transitively and intransitively.

Example Sentences:

1. 我同意你的观点。 (I agree with your point of view.)

2. 他们都同意参加这次活动。 (They all agreed to participate in this event.)

3. 我希望你能同意我的建议。 (I hope you will agree to my suggestion.)

4. 请你们在上提出自己的想法,我会尊重并同意大家的决定。(Please share your ideas at the meeting, I will respect and agree with everyone's decision.)

5. 我们需要大家的共识,只有这样才能达成同意。(We need everyone's consensus in order to reach an agreement.)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 赞成 (zànchéng): to approve, to support

Usage: 虽然他不太喜欢这个计划,但是还是赞成了。(Although he doesn't really like this plan, he still approved it.)

2. 同心合意 (tóngxīnhéyì): unanimous, in complete agreement

Usage: 我们一致同心,终于达成了共识。(We were all in complete agreement and finally reached a consensus.)

3. 一致 (yīzhì): unanimous, consistent

Usage: 这次投票结果是一致的。(The voting result was unanimous.)

4. 意见一致 (yìjiànyīzhì): unanimous, of the same opinion

Usage: 我们对这个问题的意见一致,所以很快就达成了共识。(We were all of the same opinion on this issue, so we quickly reached a consensus.)

5. 符合 (fúhé): to conform, to comply with

Usage: 你的想法符合我的期望。(Your idea meets my expectations.)

Editor's Summary:

同意 is a versatile verb that can be used in various situations to express agreement or consent. It can also be used as an adjective or noun to describe a state of agreement. There are many synonyms for 同意, each with its own subtle differences in meaning and usage. As an editor and translator, it is important to understand these nuances and choose the most appropriate term based on context.


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